Although its growth may seem to have been slow, it is to be remembered that it is not a shrub, or plant, to shoot up in the summer ... and wither in the frosts.
Alder, MountainLarge shrub/small tree to 20' tall x 18' wide; tolerates cold; likes deep watering; yellow fall color. Zone 3
Almond, Dwarf Flowering2-5' tall x 3-4' wide; fragrant, double pink flower in early spring; needs protected site; susceptible to winter die back. Zone 4
BarberryCrimson Pygmy24" tall x 24" wide; blood red foliage; protected from wind - needs sheltered site. Zone 3
Rose Glow3' tall x 3' wide; new foliage variegated pink maturing to dark rose; needs protected site. Zone 3
Lime Glow5' tall x 4' wide; green mottled foliage; bright red fall color. Zone 4
Aurea Nana4' tall x 4' wide; bright yellow leaves, rounded habit. Zone 4
Broom, Moonlight3-' tall x 3-5' wide; profuse, pale yellow flowers; upright stems. Zone 4
Buffaloberry6-8' tall x6-8' wide; very hardy, drought tolerant; yellow bloom; red berry; gray leaf. Zone 2
Burning Bush, Dwarf4-5' tall x 4-5' wide; dark green foliage; amazing red fall color; needs iron in alkaline soils - which is us! Protect from sun and wind. Zone 4
ChokecherryAutumn Magic3-6' tall x 2-4' wide; fragrant white flower; dark purple berry; brilliant red-purple fall color; tolerates most soil types. Zone 3
Black6-10' tall x 3-5' wide; fragrant white flower; tolerates heat and cold; heavy soil; wind; black berry; bright red color in fall. Zone 3
Common20' tall x 15' wide; showy clusters white flowers; edible dark fruit; drought tolerant once established; native. Zone 2
Schubert25' tall x 20' wide; very hardy; nice shape; slow grower; cluster white flowers in spring; new green growth flushes to purple. Zone 2
Peking8-10' tall x 6-8' wide; very hardy; excellent hedge; glossy green leaves turn orange-red in fall; black berries too! Zone 2
CurrantAlpine3-5' tall x 4-6' wide; dense growth makes a great hedge; very hardy; takes full sun to full shade. Zone 2
Golden5'-6' tall x 5-6' wide; light green, maple like leaves; yellow-orange in fall. Zone 2
Greenmound2-3' tall x 2-3' wide; leafs out early and retains leaves 'til late fall. Zone 2
Indian3-6' tall x 3-5' wide; branches arch under weight of coral red fruit in late fall; tolerates sun to shade; good on banks. Zone 3
Red Lake3-5' tall x 3-5' wide; large, bright red clusters of good quality berries on stiff branches; good for jams and jellies; attractive plant for landscape. Zone 3
DogwoodIsanti6' tall x 4-6' wide; more compact variety; white flowers; white fruit on red stems; superior shape. Zone 3
Ivory Halo4-5' tall x 4-5' wide; green and white variegated leaves on bright red stems. Zone 3
Kelseyi, Dwarf18" tall x 18" wide; ground cover; stems not as bright as species; purple fall color; susceptible to winter die back. Zone 3
Red Osier/Baileyi8-10' tall x 8-12' wide; bright red branches; white spring flower clusters; red to purple fall foliage; needs ample moisture; part shade good! Zone 2
Variegated8' tall x 6' wide showy green and white variegated leaves on bright red stems. Performs best in shady areas. Zone 3
Yellow Twig6-8' tall x 6' wide; green leaves on bright yellow branches; nice winter contrast; prefers partial shade to shade. Zone 3
ElderberryAdams6-10' tall x 6-8 wide; white flowers in June/July; blue-black fruit; dies back in winter, comes up from the roots; hardy. Zone 3
Black Beauty8-10' tall x 8' wide; purplish-black, dissected foliage; lemon scented; rich pink flowers in early summer; dark purple berries. Zone 3
Cutleaf, American8-10' tall x 8-12' wide; attractive white flowers late spring; blue-black fruit. Zone 3
Golden6-8' tall x 6-8' wide; white flowers in June/July; edible red fruit; serrated golden leaves; some winter die back; hardy. Zone 3
ForsythiaMeadowlark8-10' tall x 6-8' wide; bright yellow Spring bloom; dark green leaves. No significant fall color. Zone 3
HoneysuckleArnold's Red8' tall x 8' wide; darkest red blooms; followed by bright red berries; very hardy; great wind and privacy hedge! Zone 3
Clavey4-6' tall x 4-6' wide; small fragrant white flower; red bright red berries; compact, slow growing; hardy. Zone 3
Honeyrose10' tall x 8-10' wide; deep rose-red bloom; blue-green foliage; tolerates part shade; responds well to pruning -like all of 'em! Zone 3
LilacFrench Hybrid8-12' tall x 8-10' wide; gorgeous hybrids! Zone 2
Chinese10' tall x 8-10' wide; free form; hardy; purple. Zone 3
Hyacinthiflora8-10 tall x 5-7' wide; fragrant, single flowers; profuse at an early age. Zone 2
Prestoniae8' tall x 6-8' wide; extremely hardy; adaptable; blooms later; textured leaf; tolerates heavier soils. Zone 2
Common15-20' tall x 15' wide; very hardy; lavender to white fragrant flowers in late May; dark green smooth leaf; old fashioned. Zone 2
Late12' tall x 12' wide; very hardy; rosy-lilac fragrant flowers in late May to early June; green textured foliage; old fashioned. Zone 2
MahoganyBeachleaf8' x 6' wide; difficult to establish; important browse shrub; well drained soil. Zone 4
Curleaf12' tall x 10' wide; leathery, narrow leaves; rocky well drained soil; browse shrub too. Zone 3
Maple, Amur16' tall x 10' wide; bright red fall color. Zone 2
Nanking Cherry8' tall x 6-10' wide; soft, green foliage; white flowers followed by an edible fruit. Zone 2
Oregon Grape, CreepingGround cover; tolerates full sun to full shade. Zone 2
Sandcherry, Western6' tall x 4-6' wide; fragrant white flowers in spring; black, edible fruit; hardy but...susceptible to winter die-back. Zone 2
Scrub Oak10' tall x 10' wide; very slow growing; difficult to establish; drought tolerant once established; native. Zone 4
ServiceberryVery hardy; low water requirements once established; white flowers; edible purple fruit; gray bark; native. Zone 2
Autumn Brilliance15-20' tall x 15' wide; blue-green leaves, heavily branched, white flower clusters; brilliant red fall color. Zone 4
SpireaAshleaf6' tall x 6' wide; beautiful, fern-like foliage; large creamy white plume flowers in July; spreads by runner; slow to come out in spring, but one it starts...Zone 2
Spirea BumaldaAnthony Waterer3' tall x 3' wide; dark pink flower; reddish foliage starts to bloom early summer; subject to die back, annual pruning helps. Zone 4
Crispa2-3' tall x 3-4' wide; bright pink; compact with serrated, lacy leaves. Zone 4
Froebelli3' tall x 3' wide; bright pink flowers in early summer. Zone 3
Goldflame3' tall x 3' wide; bronzy new growth matures to yellow; pink flower in early summer; red fall color. Zone 4
Goldmound18-24" tall x 30" wide; bright yellow leaves in spring turn creamy then pinkish in fall; pink flowers in summer. Zone 4
Limemound3' tall x 3' wide; bright lemon-yellow foliage matures to lime green; orange-red fall color; pink flower. Zone 4
Spirea CineriaGrefsheim3' tall x 3' wide; cascades of white flowers in late spring; graceful braces. Zone 4
Spirea DouglasWestern4-8' tall; suckering, clump forming; dark green leaves, velvety white beneath; Paleto deep pink flower cluster in late summer; prefers we , cool areas; tolerates shade. Zone 4
Spriea JaponicaDakota Gold Charm12-15' tall x 2-3' wide; leaves emerge light bronze then turn yellowish-gold; pink flower in summer; pinkish-red fall color. Zone 3
Golden Princess18'-24" tall x 2-3' wide; yellow foliage with red tips; bright pink flower; reddish-bronze fall color. Zone 3
Lemon Princess18-24" tall x 24' wide; yellow foliage; light pink flowers; orange-red fall color. Zone 4
Little Princess2' tall x 2' wide; light pink flowers on dense foliage. Zone 3
Magic Carpet18-24" tall x 2-3' wide; yellow green foliage with red tips. Deep pink flower; russet red fall color. Zone 3
Neon Flash3' tall x 3' wide; long lasting pink flowers. Zone 3
Spirea NipponicaHalward's Silver3' tall x 3' wide; small bluish-green leaves; white flower clusters cover shrub in late spring; graceful, arching branching habit. Zone 4
Snowmound3-5' tall x 3-4' wide; small, bluish-green leaves; white flower clusters in late spring. Zone 4
Spirea VanhoutteiRenaissance5-6' tall x 5' wide; fountain shape; blue-green leaves; profuse white flowers in late spring. Zone 3
SumacCutleaf8' tall x 10-12' wide; finely divided leaves; orange-red fall color; does well in poor, dry soils; susceptible to winter die back. Zone 3
Gro-Low1-3 tall x 6' wide; glossy green leaves; small yellow spring blooms followed by a red berry; scarlet-orange fall color. Zone 3
Smooth8' tall x 8' wide; bright red seed heads; red-orange fall color; susceptible to winter die back. Zone 2
Three Leaf/Oakbrush5' tall x 5' wide; excellent for non-irrigated landscapes; rich green leaves; red-purple fall color; native. Zone 3
ViburnumAlfredo5' tall x 5' wide; lobed leaves; white flowers in Spring; scarlet berries; red fall color. Zone 2
American8-10' tall x 6-8' wide; shite flowers followed by edible scarlet berries; green lobed leaves turn red in fall. Zone 2
Arrowood6' tall x 6' wide; excellent for wetter sites; white flowers followed by blue-black berries; red fall color. Zone 2
Autumn Jazz8' tall x 8' wide; creamy white flowers; blue-black berries; yellow-orange fall color. Zone 3
Bailey Compact5-6' tall x 5-6' wide; white flowers in Spring deep red fall color. Zone 2
Blue MuffinRounded shrub; glossy green foliage, white Spring flower; rich blue berries in fall; tolerates most soil types. Zone 3
Common Snowball8' tall x 8' wide; need protected site; large, rounded clusters of white flowers. Zone 3
Nannyberry18'20 tall x 6-10 wide; shiny green leaves red-purple fall color; white blossom in early summer; large blue/black fruit; very hardy; naturalizing. Zone 2
Wentworth10' tall x 10' wide; heavy fruiting; white flower; red fruit; red fall color. Zone 2
WillowArctic Blue5-6' tall x 5-7' wide; wind tolerant; higher water needs; fine, whispy blue foliage; great contrast plant; may die back before completely established. Zone 3
Coyote/Sandbar6-10' tall x 8-10' wide; forms a thicket which helps in soil stabilization; native. Zone 3
Flame15' tall x 15' wide; new growth orange-red; compact, oval form; dense branches; green in summer; yellow in fall; more wind tolerant than other willows. Zone 3
French Pussy15-20' tall x 12'15' wide; silver catkins in Spring before green leaves. Zone 4
Golden40-60' tall x 40' wide; brilliant yellow branches; green leaves; yellow fall color. Protect from wind! Zone 2